PECB Exams User Manuals

Preparing for your PECB online exam instructions

33443 views 2017-02-21 2023-05-30 softdev 165

Taking a certification exam can often be an exciting and yet anxious experience, so we’ve provided the following overview of what to expect as you go through the process:

  1. Schedule your online exam session following the instructions provided here.
  2. To view the upcoming exams and detailed information like Exam Session, Exam Scheme, Exam Language, Exam Date, Exam Start Time, and Exam End Time, please click here.
  3. To ensure you are able to launch your exam please check if your computer meets the technical requirements specified in this link.
  4. Login to your PECB account and click the “Scheduled Exams” tab to find the PECB online examination rules and policy.

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